Organizing up a Solo Trip Vacation Plan


Organizing up a Solo Trip Vacation Plan


Planning that vacation of a lifetime and your partner or another half just had to cancel on you?  Depending on someone else for a vacation can be one

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Planning that vacation of a lifetime and your partner or another half just had to cancel on you?  Depending on someone else for a vacation can be one of the most frustrating parts of travel.  First, you have to organize the trip around two schedules, tastes, and preferences, then you risk the likelihood that your travel buddy could flake, have a sudden conflict, or maybe even have a last-minute change of heart.  Too often people who have bit with the travel bug let others determine their travel plans.  Have no fear! You can plan a solo travel vacation without having to depend on, wait on, or compromise anything.  Check out a few solo travel tips below to plan the singles adventure vacation of a lifetime.

1.  Travel in the off-season.

For some people, this isn’t an option since it is dependent on your work schedule and your availability.  Solo travellers normally have a bit more flexibility since they are only trying to schedule for one person rather than a couple or a family.  By picking the off-season you can get great deals on accommodations, package deals, or activities.  You can also sign up for discount alerts like Groupon or some of the many other great online deals for a given location.  Just because it is the off-season doesn’t mean you are looking at bad weather, empty towns, or even less adventure.  Tourist locations are often times much more pleasant when they aren’t packed to the brim with spring breakers or holiday crowds.  Plan your trip on the date that works for you and save a bundle.


2.   When you get to a location find out what the locals are doing.

Also if you are friendly and you mingle with some of the locals there is a likely chance they may invite you on some adventures as well.  As a solo traveler do this with caution as well as for your safety, but lots of locals or ex-pats living in an area know how to have a good time on a budget.  If you meet someone that is willing to take you on a nature hike, out to a festival, or take you snorkeling at a great local spot, this is a great way to enjoy some local culture and save tons of money.  This means reading between the lines of who is a safe friend, and someone who just seems creepy and weird, but some of the best experiences when traveling are those that you can share with the locals.

3.  Ask for help.

Too often we rely on travel guides or information on the Internet to find great deals when really a lot of friendly advice is all around us.  Ask your server at a restaurant or the person running your dorm the best way to get somewhere.  Let’s say you want to visit a nearby city.  The cab option is most likely the priciest, but you could be overlooking some simple ideas like a local bus, or train.  With a little help, this could be easy to manage and at a fraction of the cost.  Many tourist towns offer shuttle services, which is a cheaper way to get a ride but is also dependable and still comfortable.  Depending on your adventure level maybe you can rent a scooter for the day, an ATV, take a horseback ride, or even rent a bicycle.  Using advice from the locals is always a great way to find other, more affordable options when traveling.

4.  Consider a tour for single adventure travel.

While these trips can be expensive, and also normally include the additional single supplement, there are still a few money-saving tips to be considered.  Have you ever traveled and your running late to be somewhere so you took a cab to avoid getting lost?  Or maybe you were running late one morning so you stopped into a cute bakery and somehow walked out with a sandwich and coffee and spent over $20.  Here is the beauty of an adventure tour.  All of your expenses are included.  When you budget for your vacation you know exactly how much to expect to spend.  Of course, you can still buy extras here and there but you don’t have to worry about cab rides, renting expensive equipment, or paying for excursions.  By planning ahead and joining an adventure tour you are guaranteeing the amount of money that you plan to spend.  Check out Austin Lehman Adventure Travel to see the variety of amazing tours they offer for solo travelers.

5.  Take the time to check prices.  When you are with family members or other travellers you normally put in a little extra effort to get a good deal because you are paying for more than one person.  This should be no exception for the solo traveller. You have the luxury of your own free time, and a little leeway on your plans so take advantage.  Ask tour companies or hotels if they will offer a cheap last-minute rate if they have a spot they need to be filled.  Hostels are always a great last-minute option with low rates consistently throughout the season.  Consider what the hostel offers also.  Sometimes they offer breakfast, free Wi-Fi, and air-conditioning.  All things that a slight difference in price might be worth considering.

Don’t rely on other people to make your travel dreams come true.  Pick a location, plan a date, do a little research, and head out on the adventure of a lifetime.  You may even surprise yourself with how much you love the newfound freedom and adventure that traveling solo has to offer.